About the Journal
Aim & Objectives
International Journal of Management and Marketing Intelligence (IJMMI) aims to publish any peer-reviewed thoughtful and well-developed work that discussed the rapidly interactions and influences of the evolving relationships between different business disciplines such as Management, Business, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Economics and Information Technology. IJMMI welcomes submissions from researchers, practitioners and academics from variety of fields and subjects. All the articles/papers submitted to be published must adhere the publication rules of IJMMI. IJMMI has the right for both editing and reviewing the submitted articles.
International Journal of Management and Marketing Intelligence (IJMMI) contents may range from theoretical to experimental, empirical to analytical, from practice-based to the development cases. The journal tries to attract multidisciplinary research studies linked to how any new Information systems’ techniques such as IOT, Blockchain, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence affect business and marketing operations to provide a comprehensive view that is related to issues facing the integration of business and marketing disciplines with information technology.
The journal will target (but will not limit itself to) the following specific issues:
- Business intelligence
- Marketing intelligence
- Economic processes digitalization and intelligence
- Finance processes digitalization and intelligence
- Product intelligence
- Price intelligence
- Promotion intelligence
- Distribution intelligence
- Market intelligence
- Customer intelligence
- Accounting processes digitalization and intelligence
- Mobile informatics and intelligence
- Social media intelligence
- Organization processes digitalization
- Management Information systems
- Operations informatics and technology
- Technology intelligence
- Learning processes digitalization and intelligence
- Governance processes digitalization and intelligence
- Government processes digitalization and intelligence
- Commerce processes digitalization and intelligence
- Energy intelligence
- Communication intelligence
- Environmental intelligence
- Behavior intelligence
- Innovation intelligence
- Entrepreneurship intelligence
- Human intelligence
- Social intelligence
- Emotional intelligence
- Artificial intelligence
- Data intelligence
- Moral intelligence
- Sustainable intelligence
- Intelligent supply chain.
- Computational intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Systems
- Fuzzy systems
- Learning intelligence
- Human-computer interactions
- Entertainment and gaming intelligence
- Digital transformation
- Change management
- Knowledge management
- Informatics technology
- Healthcare intelligence
- Tourism intelligence
- Smart applications
- Commerce intelligence
- Mobile intelligence
- Digital Interaction and Intelligence
- Digital marketing intelligence
- Intelligence community
- Strategic intelligence
- Business analytics
- Market analytics
- Relationship intelligence